The Strategic Agenda of Asian Democracies International Conference

November 12, 2024,
Vert Hotel, Jerusalem

We will talk about the The Strategic Agenda of Asian Democracies

and Agenda

Dr. Danny Lamm, Chair, Executive Council of JISS

Dr. I-Chung Lai, President of Prospect Foundation

Chair: Prof. Efraim Inbar, President of JISS

Dr. Edward Luttwak – A Net Assessment of China’s Power.

Dr. Col. (ret.) Eran Lerman, Vice-president of JISS – The Ideological Dimension of Conflict.

Russell Hsiao, Global Taiwan Institute – The Chinese Perspective.

Air Marshall Anil Chopra, CAPS – India: A Pivot for the Indo-Pacific .

Prof. Eytan Gilboa, JISS – US Responses to Chinese Challenges in Asia.

Amb. Dr. Roy Lee, former Deputy Foreign Minister- Taiwan’s Regional Strategy.

Prof. Rosalie Arcala Hall, University of the Philippines – The Philippines Security Strategy in Midst of Strategic Uncertainty.

Dr. Seth Cropsey, Yorktown Institute, US Naval Strategy.

Prof. Matake Kamiya, National Defense Academy of Japan, and President of Japan
Association for International Security – Changing Japanese Perception of Security and
Japan’s Defense Posture.

Dr. I-Chung Lai, Prospect Foundation – Chinese Gray and Cognitive Warfare.

Dr. Alon Levkowitz, Bar-Ilan University – Korea’s Defense Posture .

Dr. Uzi Rubin, JISS – Israel’s Missile Defense .

Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari, JISS – Japan: The Social Dimensions of Accelerated Militarization.

Prof. Gabi Siboni, JISS – Chinese Influence Campaigns.

Dr. Oshrit Birvadker, JISS – Perceived Chinese Threat by the Indian Public.

Dr. Paul Monk – The Future of the Chinese Encroachment.



VERT Jerusalem Hotel מלון וורט ירושלים, ירושלים, 91130

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Prof. Efraim Inbar
President of JISS

Efraim Inbar is president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies. He was a Professor of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University and the founding Director of the Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies. Inbar’s area of specialization is Middle Eastern strategic issues with a special interest in the politics and strategy of Israeli national security. Prof. Inbar is the initiator of the international conference.

I-Chung Lai

Dr. I-Chung Lai

I-Chung Lai is Vice-president of the Taiwan Foundation of Democracy and President of Prospect Foundation. He holds a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and Polytechnic Institute. He specializes in international affairs. He will speak about Chinese Gray Cognitive Warfare.

Paul Monk

Dr Paul Monk

Dr Paul Monk is the one-time head of the China desk in Australia's Defence Intelligence Organization, a long-time consultant in applied cognitive science, the author of a dozen books on diverse subjects and a prominent public intellectual who contributes to the print and electronic media in Australia. His 2005 book Thunder from the Silent Zone: Rethinking China was released in an updated edition this year, because its analysis and forecasts have been strongly vindicated by China's behavior under Xi Jinping.
He will speak about Australian Perceptions of the Chinese Encroachment.

Edward N.Luttwak

Dr. Edward Luttwak

Edward Luttwak is an American author known for his works on grand strategy, military strategy, geoeconomics, military history, and international relations. His book Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace, also published in Chinese, Russian, and ten other languages, is widely used at war colleges around the world. His books are currently published in 29 languages besides English.
He will speak about A Net Assessment of China's Power.


Yaakov Amidror

Yaakov Amidror is the Anne and Greg Rosshandler Senior Fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security. Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amidror was National Security Advisor to Prime Minister Netanyahu and chairman of the National Security Council (April 2011-November 2013). He served for 36 years in senior IDF posts, including commander of the Military Colleges, military secretary to the Minister of Defense, and director of the Intelligence Analysis Division in Military Intelligence. He will be a participant at the Round Table on the Future of the Indo-Pacific.